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Creating Your self! This project is a coorportion between 9 partners in the Capital Region in Denmark. The aims of the project is in coorperation with the young participants to create a seminar with participation of both youngster, decissionmakkers, experts and youth workers. The main thems of this seminar is “the participation of young people in local policy making” and “young people as active contributers to local culturel activity” and Young people as valuble ressource in na innovative and creative perspektive”. Through the “action learning” method we aim to both a long the way in the project to develope the young participants skills in the field of going from having an idea to actually realising it and being able to reflect on ones own learning during the process and turning this reflection into more generel themes – that can be discussed at the seminar. Further more are we involving the young people in deciding the methods used at the seminar to support at more equal and giving “space” for the dialogue between the youngster ande the decision makers. A long the way in the planning proces the youngsters will be introduced to several alternative dialoguemethods and on behlf of their own experience with these methods they wiil be able to make a more qualified choise on which we are going to us at the seminar. Our aim is that this project have an effect on the young participants view upon themselves as valuble ressoucerces in creating a lively cultural local enviroment and their obligation to participate in the democratic process to influence the more generel conditions for young people to be active citizen both in the culturaland democratic area.
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Bonjour, vous êtes sur la plateforme Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur dédiée aux programmes thématiques et de coopération territoriale. Une équipe d’experts vous accompagne dans vos recherches de financements.
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