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The world of broadcast media offers an increasingly rich source of employment for deaf graduates and professionals worldwide and its importance is evidenced by the proliferation of European deaf television and film festivals. However, research shows that the focus on communication through written English is still a barrier for sign language users across Europe, impacting upon career progression and mobility (O’Neill 2000, Fleming, 2006). Essential media production documentation contains challenging technical English, as do many of the instructions and descriptors on technological equipment. In addition to this, Smart devices such as tablets and phones have recently become integral to production workflow and so it follows that VET resources need to be accessible on the move and on location.SignMedia SMART has built on the success and evaluation of the SignMedia project (2012 finalist in the MEDEA awards) - an online sign-language resource that teaches vocational English to deaf media professionals and those who wish to follow a career in media. It aimed to:• Develop key competences in literacy and technical knowledge in order to unlock communicative/professional roles that are often barred to deaf people. • Increase user flexibility by transferring elements of the online resource to mobile and tablet platforms. • Export a product that pushes the boundaries of elearning pedagogy to Sweden - a country with a thriving deaf media community, but whose innovative methods of deaf education are still under-represented online. • Produce 200 further media-specific glossary items (500 in total) supplemented with images and with definitions available in the signed and written languages of UK, Sweden, Austria and Italy, thus facilitating mobility and creative collaboration across Europe with others in the sector. • Challenge stereotypes and raise aspirations with an attractive learning resource that reflects a diverse, creative and professionally successful minority group. SignMedia SMART has impacted on several stakeholder groups within the European media industry including deaf media specialists, vocational trainers, students and sign language interpreters. Successful use of SignMedia SMART will enhance employability and training by promoting key VET competences of literacy and technical knowledge. It breaks down these barriers with an innovative mobile resource, promoting career development and a new level of confidence for deaf media professionals.The mobile learning tool is accessible for users of British, Austrian, Italian and Swedish sign languages. It is designed primarily for deaf media professionals, but has clear benefits for deaf media students and other sign language users. Hearing people with a professional or personal interest in sign languages can also make use of this excellent resource.
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