Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 7 mai 2014, Date de fin: 7 mars 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Festival depends directly on the Seville City Council, through its Institute for Culture and Arts (ICAS). A Festival devoted exclusively for European cinema, widely established among the audience (77,000 spectators), and recognized by the media.Nominations for the European Film Academy Awards are announced in Seville every year during the first weekend of the Festival.Since two years ago, with the new team assuming the direction, and with nearly 200 films within a well-balanced programme, the Festival includes the great names of European filmmaking within its Official Section, supports the new continental talents through the New Waves section (established in 2012), and the Spanish independent filmmaking, with the Resistances competition.Amount of screenings: 117 different screening seasons for a total of 380 screenings.Premieres: 97 Spanish premieres, 20 World premieres.The development of new audiences is also a priority, through the Europa Junior section, with around ten titles for youths and children, and educational and literacy activities attended by more than 13,000 students in 2013.Likewise, a wide range of activities for the audience are organized: Q&As with the directors (60 in 2013), festive activities (daily free access concerts), and training for the industry in collaboration with the Andalusian Agency for Foreign Promotion (Extenda). In addition to the stable agreements with Eurimages, the European Film Academy or the European Parliament’s LUX Prize, a partnership with Europa Cinemas starts in 2014.The outreach and prestige of the Festival has recently grown among the national and international specialized media, and also among other festival programmers and professionals from cultural centers, film archives, etc. As a result, an important part of the SEFF programme circulates in Spanish film archives (Galicia, Cantabria or Valencia). Also, the SEFF started a stable programme of screenings throughout the year in Seville since Autumn.

