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SERVice Oriented Intelligent Value Adding nEtwork for Clothing-SMEs embarking in Mass-Customisation (SERVIVE)
Date du début: 1 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 31 août 2011 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

SERVIVE net proposes the enlargement of the assortment of customizable clothing items currently on offer, the enhancement of all co-design aspects (functionality and fun) and the development and testing of a new production model based on decentralized networked SME cells.The Servive net will not only seamlessly link critical Mass-Customisation (MC) enabling services, but more important it will adapt these services to the specific needs and preferences of well-defined target customer groups. It will also enable all necessary interactions of customers with value-chain actors in transparent ways, thus enabling and encouraging the active participation of end consumers in the configuration of the customised items. The selected product configuration will in turn influence the production scenario (see the extended Micro-Factory concept below). Central to this scenario is the concept of Virtual Customer Advisor (VCA), which, depending on the profile of the customer will recommend the optimum product configuration, based either on style preferences (Style Advisor), functional requirements (e.g. for protective clothing/ sportswear) or body morphology and physical disability or problem figure related issues. On the upstream part of the chain, the Servive net will introduce the innovative organisational concept of the Networked Micro-Factory, directly linked to the concept of User-centred Production Configuration. The MF concept promotes the idea of decentralized production close to retailers and consumers (proximity advantage). MFs can range from networked small size but high-tech MC production sites, to sites equipped with automatic knitting machines, or even semi-automatic 3D assembly centres (single-ply cutter + sewing robots). Knowledge-based web services will relate to style expertise, human body expertise and data, material and specific manufacturing knowledge.



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16 Participants partenaires