Rechercher des projets européens

Serious Play
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

We want to carry out this project to fill the needs found. After a meeting between all consortium partners, we discussed about our professional status in each organization and the possibilities we might have to professionally improve our staff and increase the capacity of each organization. Was presented by a member of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and after consideration by all, we see that we would bring what we needed to do discussed earlier.The project objectives are:. Empowering teams linked to Adult Education for the area to minister trainings based on an innovative method: the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY-;.Reinforce the management capacity of organizations in the consortium, inherent in the design process (logistics, cooperation, meeting, picture, etc);.Establish a strategic partnership plan between the consortium members towards 2019;. Equip our organizations and staff with greater visibility at national level;. Acquisition of knowledge and know-how on the Erasmus + Adult Education Program;.Develop new projects and training programs for adults based on the LEGO method - SERIOUS PLAY;.Capacity our organizations with greater visibility at international level;.Reinforce the international project management capacity of the consortium members and their staff;.Enlarge the range of opportunities of the consortium, internationally, when it comes to training, pioneering and innovative offerings;. Integrating the global network of facilitators and partners of LEGO method - SERIOUS PLAYActivities:.Participaçtion In the action of international training LEGO SERIOUS PLAY;. Conducting frequent consortium meetings;. Regular communication, at a distance or in person, by mail, Skype and other online tools.. Conducting training workshops for adults;.Crieation and national promotion of a set of training proposals based on the skills acquired in action training;. Conducting training for adults within the consortium of organizations, based on LEGO method - SERIOUS PLAY;.Crieation of a potential European partners database starting from the list of participants in the training and other contacts of institutions of each consortium member;.Development of new proposals / services to the international market;International dessimination a set of formative proposals based on the skills acquired in action training.The participants are all staff of each organization of the consortium, specifically people with coordinating positions of responsibility while trainers. They were chosen because of their ability to coordinate and replicate the learning and acquired methods, as well as its capacity to achieve the planned learning objectives, thus being able to assist the professional development of staff remaining. Each consortium partner will send a participant. Sergio Gonçalves (Ha Moment), Ana Silva (Team Mais) and Pedro Ferreira (Othersigns).The selection procedure was done through internal meetings within each partner organization, taking into account which person would bring more benefits to the organization and the consortium, and voted on and approved by all the staff. So we avoid possible conflicts.Impact:. Increased training of their staff skills in the sense of their professional development and improve the quality of services rendered;. Improving project management capabilities (it's the first time all partners participate in these European education projects for adults);. Strengthening cooperation with national organizations and within the consortium, and set work plans for long-term network;. Increased training offer in order to reach a wider audience within the framework of Adult Education;.Increased competences of the staff of each org. to use innovative educational methods in Education for Adults.Sustainability:. Implementation of a strategic plan of cooperation within the consortium until 2019. New training opportunities available with the skills acquired. New partnerships and national and international. Larger number of trainees who will benefit in the long run the new developed training offers

