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Sensory Feedback for Improved Prosthesis Control (SENSPRO)
Date du début: 1 avr. 2014, Date de fin: 31 mars 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Functional substitution of a lost limb is necessary for persons with an amputation to perform daily life explorations and manipulations in their environment. In the case of a hand loss, affective reasons gain importance as amputees often indicate the desire to feel the warmth of a loved one’s touch. These considerations provide two key characteristics of successful prosthetics: (1) intuitive control of prostheses and (2) providing physiologically appropriate feedback to the user. Although there has been significant progress on the prosthesis control and sensory feedback, the ability to supply physiologically appropriate proprioceptive feedback remains elusive. This project seeks for sensory feedback for improved prosthesis control. First, relative contributions of feedback modalities (vision, proprioception and artificial proprioception) on coordinated manipulations will be investigated. Then, based on these results, new sensory feedback systems will be developed for persons with an upper-limb amputation."

