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Date du début: 1 janv. 2016,
Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016
Društvo SKAM will carry out project addressing important challenges of today's democratic societies with the objective to foster youth participation and to create conditions for it. Facts on youth participation in Slovenia are worrying according to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Youth political participation is still low. Young people do not see the relevance of politics, they do not trust politics and state institutions and they do not understand politics as something important in their lives. On the other hand young people are more likely to take part in demonstration processes or signing petitions and they avoid meeting with decision makers. Youth participation is important for the development of sustainable society. Youth participation fosters active citizenship which is more than just voting at local and national elections. Active citizenship means that young people contribute to development of the society and propose ideas and solutions for solving local issues that have an impact on young people's lives. Our project will carry out three regional events (Vipava, Celje, Škocjan) of structured dialogue with 50 young participants at each event, in total 150 young participants, to offer them first hand debate between youth and decision makers. The participants core will consist of volunteers, youth workers and youth leaders that are active in Slovenia. Their age will be from 16 to 29 years old. Special focus will be given to inviting youth with their youth workers and leaders; the participants in youth programs. Through the process of structured dialogue young people will develop and strengthen their competences and skills which will empower them to practice active citizenship in democratic life. We are aware of the importance of youth participation. That's why it is crucial to bring them structured dialogue closer, to show and teach them the dialogue instead of protest or debate. Objective of the project is therefore learning young people skills of dialogue and to empower them through active participation and non-formal education. Youth organizations, youth workers and leaders play an important role in fostering youth participation. Youth political participation must be available to young people which is still not the case in Slovenia. With our project we will bring political participation closer to young people in order to show them that their voices can be heard and that they are eligible to have their say in the society and make changes that they want in their environment. Objective of the project is to obtain results which are useful for policy making and that youth policies would be shaped and implemented according to youth needs. Another two important objectives of the project are to involve young people in political decision making and also to enhance policy makers engagement and commitment with young people. Therefore the project will contribute to the implementation of the Joint recommendations from the EU Youth Conference in Riga and implementation plan from the EU Youth Conference in Luxembourg. The project's objectives are in accordance with the priorities of the 5th cycle of structured dialogue topic - competences that young people need in order to succeed in inclusive societies. Expect result is: 3 final documents (1 per regional event) with joint proposals and recommendations for the regional environment and that are written by youth and decision makers together. Društvo SKAM will then take responsibility to follow up the implementation of these proposals and recommendations. Expected impact on the participants are the following: recognition of structured dialogue as a tool. And being part of the structured dialogue and being actively involved in the process enables young participants to strengthen their competences. Strengthened competences and new skills lead to empowerment of each participant which is then able to actively participate in the democratic life and to contribute to society. Expected impact on the participating organization are the following: by organizing structured dialogue Društvo SKAM will contribute to development of local and regional youth policies which will have an impact on the young people lives in that region. Furthermore organizations officers and volunteers will strengthen and further develop their skills and competences which will have an impact on the organizations contribution to the society especially to young people all over Slovenia.
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