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Secure and sMArter ciTIes data management (SMARTIE)
Secure and sMArter ciTIes data management
Date du début: 1 sept. 2013,
Date de fin: 31 août 2016
The Internet of the Future will be an essential part of the knowledge society and will provide new information-based business. The usage of the Internet of Things for large-scale, partially mission-critical systems creates the need to address trust and security functions adequately.The vision of SMARTIE (Secure and sMArterciTIEs data management) is to create a distributed framework for IoT based applications sharing large volumes of heterogeneous information. This framework is envisioned to enable end-to-end security and trust in information delivery for decision-making purposes following data owner's privacy requirements. New challenges identified for privacy, trust and reliability are: Provide trust and quality-of-information in shared information models to enable re-used across many applications. Provide secure exchange of data between IoT devices and consumers of their information. Provide protection mechanisms for vulnerable devices.SMARTIE will address these challenges within the context of Smart Cities. A smart city controller handling data for the city must show that the information collected from different devices are communicated and stored in a secure way. Privacy-protection and access control to the data and objects is necessary to convince data owners to share information and to protect the city infrastructure. SMARTIE envisions a data-centric paradigm with the "information management and services" plane as a unifying umbrella, which will operate above heterogeneous network devices and data sources and will provide advanced secure information services.The feasibility and utility of SMARTIE will be tested in real environments with real users of the city infrastructures. The two application areas Transport and Energy will be considered; both are key infrastructures of cities. The tests will involve the cities Frankfurt an der Oder (Germany), Belgrade (Serbia) and Murcia (Spain).
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