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Science in Trieste and Researchers 2011 (STAR2011)
Date du début: 1 mai 2011, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2011 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

With a high density of research institutions hosting a large international scientific community, Trieste is an ideal showcase for the role of researchers in contemporary society and a privileged setting for the Researcher’s Night. The STAR2011 project stems directly from a Memorandum signed in 2008, whereby local authorities and research institutions based in Trieste commit to promote the role of research as a key asset for the territory. The STAR2011 consortium is coordinated by the University of Trieste and includes two Universities, nine research institutions and a science museum, together with Trieste Municipality and Province. This strong and highly motivated partnership will make available to the project, and ultimately to the public, scientific excellence, top level researchers and specific know-how in the organization of events, availing also of the experience from the successful participations to the Researcher’s Night in 2009 and 2010. While the focus of the project is on researchers rather than research, a common theme – energy – is proposed as the fil rouge of a rich and varied programme and will be interpreted by the project partners according to their specificities. The event follows the concept of bringing researchers to the public rather than viceversa, taking place in the the main square, “Piazza dell’Unità”, and surrounding pedestrian area, at the heart of the historic town. Piazza dell’Unità, 16.000 square meters, is the biggest sea facing square in Europe providing a magnificent stage, equipped for the occasion with large gazebos, where researchers will present their activities to the public. The Night's programme has been devised to offer a unique blend of research and entertainment, with attractions such as a trips on a hot air balloon, sea cruises, sports, music, art, social games, that will complement traditional Friday night entertainments and hopefully attract a large public to the event.



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