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Schuman Volunteers Explore Mobility
Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project tried to draw attention on the issue of different types of migration and the social implications it brings. Europe’s history has been shaped by migration, at the moment the EU is struggling with a new wave of immigration while internal mobility within the EU (and to some extent its neighboring regions) is being promoted and supported. This project has given six young people from Poland an opportunity of long-term voluntary service in youth organisations in Eastern Partnership Countries, which are struggling with increasing immigration or internal migration as a result of conflicts. Volunteers were engaged to local activities aiming to raise activities of young people and improve their competence. Volunteers organized interest clubs and workshops, gave presentations and brought Poland and EU values closer to young people. They supported regular activities of their receiving organisations by helping in fundraising and organizing language learning and other non-formal educational activities for young people. Apart from supporting local communities in Vinnytsia (Ukraine), Gori, Zugdidi (both Georgia) and Gyumri (Armenia) volunteers were to explore various aspects of movement, explore the impact of migrations on local communities and draw attention on the process of developing mobility skills, especially for young people. Working and living in Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia they experienced cultural differences, learn new language(s ) and get to know useful methods used in working with the disadvantaged target groups. While getting acquainted to new culture volunteers reevaluated their own cultural identity, discovered diversity of cultures and get to know their ability to move and adapt. As a result of the project all volunteers gained useful competence and improved their ability to adapt to change as well as willingness and possibilities to migrate for work or educational purposes. Three volunteers also collected information on structure and direction of migration in their host communities.



4 Participants partenaires