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Savanorių aktyvumo skatinimas
Date du début: 1 juin 2016,
Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016
This project aims to exchange the experience and best practices of Red Cross staff in Spanish Red Cross and Lithuanian Red Cross in the area of youth volunteering. Compared with other Red Cross societies, Lithuanian Red Cross has quite a few volunteers. Lithuanian Red Cross coordinators are lacking knowledge and skills to attract and recruit new volunteers, to convert the organization into attractive organization for the volunteers and to motivate and retain the existing volunteers.The Red Cross movement is built on volunteering thus the ability of serving the most vulnerable in the society depends on the number of recruited active volunteers. The project involves youth workers sharing experiences, promote cooperation and partnerships, exchange of valuable experience in the youth field at European level.The project would build the Lithuanian Red Cross capacity in volunteering management by exchanging experience with Spanish Red Cross. The main project activity – Lithuanian Red Cross staff 3 days exchange visit. LRC staff members will visit Spanish Red Cross Headquarter, where experienced specialists would share their best practices, modules and programmes of volunteering recruitment, training and management.The results, that will be achieved by this project: after acquired experience and competences raised, Lithuanian Red Cross core staff members would be able to develop volunteers recruitment strategy and motivation programme using the best practices of Spanish Red Cross. More volunteers would be attracted and the ability to serve bigger amount of target groups will be raised.Voluntary related benefits will help the organization to operate more efficiently, young volunteers would gain personal and professional competences, increase their motivation, awareness and self-confidence. Experience exchange visit will motivate the participants of both partners, improve their foreign language skills and build grounds for the future partnerships in the area of youth volunteer development.
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