Rechercher des projets européens

Samarbeid med videregående skoler i Tyskland og Frankrike om fremmedspråkopplæring og om undervisning av elever med minoritetsbakgrunn - (SAH)
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The main objectives of the project is:1) To have more of our students completing upper secondary education with better results within a planned training path.2) All pupils should be included and experience to masterSince Norway is not an EU member, but rely heavily on EU it, is important to establish contacts with EU countries and especially Germany, which is our largest trading partner. Hedmark county (HFK )has a low percentage when it comes to high education and have traditionally been very dependent on forestry and agriculture. The school will give students a better platform for getting work also on new areas. Tourism is a growing source of income and Hamar the city has recently received many interesting new government jobs, employment in ICT, game development and service jobs. HFK and HK faces a major challenge with lower budgets from 2016 and the years ahead. The school has therefore a considerably lower budget for international work and are totally dependent on financial support for implemented internationalization, which we consider as a very important to achieve our goals. Until last school year, this work has been driven by a few enthusiasts, but now everything should be anchored in our management and HK’s development plan. A member of management now has the primary responsibility for coordinating these efforts.Teachers who have been able to get competence abroad have a great benefit from this in their approach and communication to students about “being Europeans”. It is important for our teacher and students to understand and be aware of the close dependence we have to EU countries in areas such as trade, finance, sustainable development, peace, counter terrorism and treatment of / assistance to refugees / people who migrate.The linguistic skills and cultural understanding should be raised and particularly the oral language skills must be improved. Here we focus on French and German, but all three countries have English as a foreign language and may use this as a common language in cases when this is most convenient.The teaching staff will have an experience with other methods and tools, exchange and sharing with foreign colleagues around "best practice" and they will discuss how to meet challenges.HK has been a pioneer school in Norway on integration of non-ethnic Norwegian pupils. Approximately 10% of our students at the secondary level, has a different mother tongue than Norwegian and we have had GS classes for over 10 years.We are a FOCUS-school for immigrant students in secondary schools in HFK. It means that we have a close cooperation with "National Center for Multicultural Education" (NAFO). Through this we have participated in network meetings nationally.HK has welcomed other schools to convey our experiences and ways of teaching. The school's head of GS classes have had this role for 10 years and she is the coordinator in HFK’s network: “Teaching of minority students in high school” who have meetings 1-2 times a year. She has a master degree in Second language education and also have German as a subject. Teachers who work with GS students would like to continue with this from year to year and combine this with teaching in mainstream classes. As in the rest of Europe, we have a growing group of multicultural students and we see it as very useful to exchange experience with other countries in this area in order to learn from each other and constantly improving our work. Although we have done a lot in HK, we believe now we have stagnated a bit and feel the need for getting the motivation at schools in other countries to handle new challenges, achieving goals for implementation and for further development . Participants from HK in this project if will be teachers in Germany and France and teachers educating students with other first language than Norwegian. The first year of the project period, we wish to send. 11 teachers (including the two leaders) on secondments to SZB. 8 teachers (including the two leaders) on secondments to AKThe second year of the project period, we wish to send. 9 teachers to teach at SZB. 6 teachers to teach at AK



2 Participants partenaires