Rechercher des projets européens

Rozwój osobisty nauczycieli oraz podnoszenie jakości nauczania języka angielskiego na I i II etapie edukacyjnym
Date du début: 31 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project „Teachers’ personal development and improving the quality of teaching English on First and Second educational phase” is prepared by The group of schools in Huta Dąbrowa. The most important objectives of this plan are personal and professional development, expanding knowledge and skills of English teachers owing to participation in the professional foreign teacher trainings. In this project two English teachers will take part, who teach on First and Second educational phase. The teachers are characterized by comprehensive activity in many areas of school life. They not only perform their duty with commitment and energy, but also they are engaged in many various activities on their own initiative. The teachers who will take part in this project are constantly open to new possibilities and improving their qualifications and skills. The participation in the project Erasmus + enable the faculty to access to worldwide development and at the same time give more European and innovative dimension to our school. The foreign teacher trainings are excellent opportunity to exchange pedagogical information, skills in a multi-cultural context and introduce new possibilities to cooperate with other teachers on international level. These activities are a great chance to develop skills and qualifications for our employees - the main areas which need improvement in The group of schools in Huta Dąbrowa. Furthermore, this project allow foreign language teachers use modern classroom techniques and methods of work with pupils and improve the organization of teaching and learning. The teachers have also the possibility to develop their own language competences. Their direct contact with language and culture is extremely valuable in foreign language teacher’s job. Within the framework of project there are planned teacher trainings in five countries of the European Union: France, Ireland, Malta, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Czech Republic. We assume that teacher training courses provide our teachers innumerable benefits in the field of personal and professional development, in particular: - to develop English language skills, - to introduce new areas of teaching methodologies and accompanying techniques using hands-on experiential methods, - to introduce awareness of technology and ITC in the classroom today, - to experience the cultural heritage of European Union countries, - to improve the quality of teaching English on First and Second educational phase through improving of the level of key competences and skills, - to provide teachers with a bank of ready‐to‐use materials, - encouragement of sharing best practices, ideas and materials between colleagues within the EU and capacity to cooperate on international level. The courses will integrate several different styles of instruction, primarily in order to give the participants practical experience with each. Each module will incorporate both the current theory of creativity in teaching, and its application for teachers through innovative teaching methods. In addition, four of the modules (reading, listening, writing, and speaking lessons) will explore the interactive communicative approach which will provide participants with their own experiential learning of the activities. Input sessions will be in the form of hands-on workshops or discussions for fluency work, and will involve brainstorming, analysis, problem-solving, and role-play, both in pair-work and group work. The participation in the project will also an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences of teachers who teach in other European countries and establish international cooperation at various level using eTwinning. The eTwinning will allow us to communicate with teachers and head teachers working in a school in different European countries in order to collaborate, develop projects and share ideas. The experiences and competences acquired by staff participating in the project will be included into strategic and developing plan of the school in the future through various activities: training councils for teachers, the publication of multimedia presentations of completed trainings and information on the results achieved teaching English classes in the form of workshops, introduction of modern teaching methods and techniques, modified assessment, including the work with the European Language Portfolio, the organization language festivals and competitions, etc.

