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European Projects
Rozwój nauczyciela sukcesem ucznia
Rozwój nauczyciela sukcesem ucznia
Date du début: 15 juin 2016,
Date de fin: 14 juin 2018
The project comprises 14 mobilities of a group of teachers aged 40-57 (computer immigrants generation), whose professional activity period is forecast till the age of 67. All of them are permanent Łódź inhabitants, a city of long-term depopulation tendency, of high unemployment level and suffering from low births rates. The number of students at this school is permanently decreasing and the teachers lose their jobs. The European school development plan assumes long term activities serving teachers’ development and therefore the students’ and also enriching the school educational offer.The project target is creating a dynamic, involved and superbly educated team ready to work using modern methods, which will develop international cooperation accomplishing new educational projects. The teachers’ professional development will result in improving the education quality, will be advantageous to the students’ potential, and will reinforce the European educational dimension. The teachers’ participation in the Erasmus courses will ensure:• The professional skills development of the teachers and the head master employed in the school aiming at modernizing their professional workshop, expanding creative thinking, reinforcing team work and as a result introducing innovations and perfecting the teaching and school management quality• The knowledge concerning different systems and solutions in education, specifically education system in Great Britain, Malta, Ireland, the Netherlands and Iceland• The knowledge intensification on a subject taught as well as the education supporting areas, e.g. the techniques stimulating the students effectively, aiding them to open for group cooperation• The increase of language command among the English language teachers aiming at promoting open educational foreign contacts• The reinforcement and development of cultural diversity awareness thanks to the stay in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands and Iceland and on Malta, also owing to the meetings with teachers and educators from other countries• The extension of the information technology usage, to implement technology in the subjects taught effectively, to create courses on the Moodle platform independently• Gaining the new materials to be used in classes, preparing materials to work on at the course classes• Stimulating professional motivation and satisfaction• Planning the onward teachers development strategy satisfying their own needs and also the school expansion vision.• enhancing the attractiveness of the school offer thanks to creating an innovative teaching programme of Business EnglishThe courses and project methodology are based on activating methods, plan constant interaction and cooperation among all the project participants.Owing to the opportunity to meet the educators from other countries the Erasmus courses will ensure the experience exchange, enrich the tuition in new ideas. The courses content will be reinforced, as following the courses the teachers will be systematically realizing the planned activities and implementing new ideas. The courses offer splendid opportunity for successful partnership and cooperation in long term educational projects within the boundaries of partner exchanges or in virtual reality on e -Twinning platform creating for students and teachers extra formal teaching and learning environment.The teachers’ mobility, creating international cooperation will beneficially influence the school European dimension. It will increase the school appeal in the local environment.
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