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Różnimy się po to, by wzajemnie się uzupełniać - projekt mobilności nauczycieli Publicznej Szkoły Podstawowej nr 1 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. I. Daszyńskiego w Radomiu.
Różnimy się po to, by wzajemnie się uzupełniać - p..
Różnimy się po to, by wzajemnie się uzupełniać - projekt mobilności nauczycieli Publicznej Szkoły Podstawowej nr 1 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. I. Daszyńskiego w Radomiu.
Date du début: 31 déc. 2015,
Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016
The main goal of the project entitled : We differ in order to complement each other – mobility project for teachers of the Public Primary School No.1 in Radom” written by Public School No.1 in Radom within KA1 action “Mobility of the personnel in education” is to start cooperation with educational institutions in Portugal, introduce Polish teachers to working methods in foreign schools, as well as get the management staff to know the ways to manage these institutions. Another aim of the project is to improve linguistic competence of the teachers, break the language barriers and develop communication skills in English.
The participants of the project will be 12 teachers employed in the Public School No.1 in Radom (managemet staff, IT teachers, English teachers, young learners teachers, specialists in integration.
Realisation of the project will be based on the following methods: observation, interviews, speeches and practical approach.
After the project the teachers will make use of all the newly acquired techniques and methods of working with students, increase their effectiveness in teaching foreign languages by motivating students to learn. The management staff will improve their skills in running the educational institution. Thanks to the promotion of the project, the school will become more attractive within the local community in Radom.
It is planned that in the future, the cooperation with similar schools abroad will enable students to participate in the realization of other projects within the Erasmus+ and E-twinning platform. They will have the chance to develop their linguistic and communication skills through fun and to learn to work in groups. In the future the school is planning to prepare projects within this action as well as action KA2, where teachers and students from the Public Primary School No.1 in Radom will take part.
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