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European Projects
Routes and adventures without borders in the DKMT .. (Határtalan DKMT)
Routes and adventures without borders in the DKMT Euroregion
(Határtalan DKMT)
Date du début: 30 nov. 2010,
Date de fin: 29 sept. 2012
It is a fundamental problem for tourism of the DKMT Euroregion and, at the same time, it is also a weakness that the tourism attractions in the region are not very well known internationally. Therefore, the number of visitors is low, their stay is short and the income generated from tourism has not increased in a favorable manner. This tendency has not only affected the service providers and organizations of tourism trade, but also the direct target group of tourists, in a broader concept, the economic actors of the region as well. Similar tourist conditions and potentialities can be found on both sides of the Hungarian-Romanian border. Establishing thematic tourism routes already well tested in the European Union can be one of the means to mitigate the above negative tendencies and, in the long run, to improve indicators. By applying the instruments of attraction management, the thematic tourism routes, will raise interest towards certain attractions that are strongly linked to a particular theme. By clustering tourism attractions according to various themes, relevant for the across border area, they can be offered and promoted in a different, more exciting manner with greater effectiveness.The primary aim of the project is to establish tourism routes that not only in their topic but also in the geographical sense, connect the border regions together. Thus, based on a common set of conditions, they enhance the touristic potentialities. Attributable to the peripheral character of the border regions, utilizing potentialities is not always possible in an effective way. However, if the border regions of the countries join, as a result of synergy, the emerging opportunities in the various sectors may become more significant. Owing to the common history of the Hungarian-Romanian cross border region, in the sphere of tourism, the potentialities are similar so as the problems.The general objective of the project is to increase the touristic competitiveness of the border region and to connect it into the international network of tourism trade. Specific objectives are linked to identifying thematic routes, demarcate them geographically, carry out test trips, as well as to develop common tools in order to promote thematic routes and lay the foundation of their reputation.The target groups of the project are professional organizations of tourism industry in the cross border region (state bodies, professional associations of enterprises), municipalities of settlements on the thematic route, owners, maintainers, managers of the facilities included in the thematic routes, enterprises providing services for tourism, settlements with distinguished attractions fitting in the thematic routes but so far lacking sufficient number of visitors, tourists visiting the cross-border region, touristic services linked to the thematic routes, local tourism organizations, citizens living in the region who will most likely recognize the improvement of their life standards, domestic and foreign tour operators and tourism marketing organizations contacted in the course of promotional activities.
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