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Robinwood - Revitalisation de zones rurales par le.. (Robinwood)
Robinwood - Revitalisation de zones rurales par le développement durable obtenu à travers l'aménagement forestier intégré.
Date du début: 30 sept. 2004,
Date de fin: 29 juin 2008
The partners mountain and rural regions are characterised by serious degradation of forests and hydro-geological or flooding risks. Most of them face threats associated with rural depopulation, erosion, poor facilities and the need to maintain the rural landscape and cultural heritage. In this context, forest management, rural revitalisation and the use of ligno-cellulosic biomass can help to achieve sustainable socio-economic development in some areas in the partner regions. Overall objective / Objectif général Robinwood aims to revitalise rural areas in partner regions through integrated forest management and the creation of wood-based industries, by drawing up sub-projects to mitigate hydro-geological instability, to use local renewable energy sources, and to find sustainable solutions so that the physical and biological resources of forests, such as water, soil, flora and fauna, can be maintained and enhanced. Expected results / Résultats attendus The partners plan to promote wood as fuel through a new system for managing ligno-cellulosic biomass, to apply and improve appropriate systems for forest management, to identify and implement measures to mitigate hydrological disturbances and to increase socio-economic prospects for the forestry sector, thus contributing to sustainable development for the partner regions.
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