Rechercher des projets européens

Risotto und Knödel
Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The participants should attach contact with foreign colleagues: On the one hand they should find out how an education runs in the catering trade in another country which contact the people maintain with each other how strictly education can run. On the other hand they should get to know by means of industrial placements various, to them foreign approaches.To achieve these higher aims, they work on together with her Italian colleagues the project: „Wine meets beer" - Italian and German company types.The Germans visit the hotel technical school in Castelfiorentino. First compile the Germans a 3 ways menu (calculation, food-physiological meaning, weighting of the occasion, menu map, service rules etc.) which is prepared together with her Italian colleagues and is served. The restaurateurs who take up then one of our schoolboys for an industrial placement are invited. This kind of the work has the advantage that already here single contacts are attached. The difference between Mediterranean and German kitchen is made clear, with the entertainment the different company behaviour of the respective compatriots becomes evident.The German trainees finish together with her Italian colleagues a training period at their hotels.In the connection a protocol is provided about these experiences.On the week-ends the participants visit some places of interest of the town, selected by the Italian hosts. The Germans should note with how the town was explained to them how they have felt as guests. The restaurant and hotel experts come in her home companies over and over again to the situation to recommend her town with some places of interest to foreign guests.This and the differences of the Italian ones and the German catering trade are documented during the last days in the hotel technical school in view of composition of the dishes, Servierregeln, table rules, various behaviour patterns. For the end the participants should prepare together with her Italian colleagues a German Italian menu for her hosts.



1 Participants partenaires