Rechercher des projets européens

Riqualificazione del porto interno di Olbia: molo Benedetto Brin con destinazione porto turistico e servizi (Porto di Olbia)

The project rise from the exigency to improve the present tourist harbour which is today not enough in relation to the needs and seasonal increased requests; the latter are today obliged to refer to other harbours and other consequent costs and services than the one offered by the Olbia harbour.The completion of the infrastructure proposed by the this project aims to networking the harbour with the other cross border port services. The main objectives are:- redevelopment of the internal harbour as tourist and service port.- improvement of the harbour in order to connect it with the cross boarder/neighbouring port activities- redevelopment of the entry area of the harbour - improvement of accessibility between the borders



  • 50%   249 946,22
  • 2000 - 2006 Islands (IT-FR)
  • Projet sur KEEP platform