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Restoration and management of the Murrough wetlands for Annex I Habitats and Waterbirds (Waterbirds)
Date du début: 1 juil. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Background Ireland has a long history of damage to wetlands caused by drainage and agricultural reclamation. The Murrough Wetlands pSCI on the coast of County Wicklow, to the south of Dublin, was also degraded and this, in turn, reduced the habitat available for wildfowl, such as the Annex I species Anser albifrons flavirostris. The Murrough Wetlands pSCI is a long but narrow coastal wetland complex, bounded on its seaward side by a shingle ridge, stretching for 15 km but only up to 1 km deep. Within this overall site lies the Kilcoole Marshes SPA and the Broad Lough SPA. General threats to the wetland habitats came from drainage, afforestation and a lack of grazing regimes, leading to drier conditions and a loss of biodiversity. The LIFE project, whilst focusing restoration effort on one part of the overall site, which would be purchased at the start of the project, would also help to promote conservation needs across the whole site. Although relatively small-scale, it would be a demonstration at national level of the potential for reversing damage to wetlands in Ireland. Objectives The LIFE-Nature project aimed to restore and manage wetland habitat to create ideal conditions for Annex I birds and to improve the integrity of the largest wetland complex on the east coast of Ireland. BirdWatch Ireland was to purchase a 89 ha site within the Murrough Wetlands pSCI for the restoration of Annex I calcareous fens and for positive management for the Annex I bird species Anser albifrons flavirostris, Cygnus cygnus, Alcedo atthis and Egretta garzetta. Part of the land to be purchased, outside the pSCI at the beginning of the project, would be added to the Natura 2000 site. Following restoration, it was expected that the project area would support Annex I birds in sufficient numbers for the Kilcoole Marshes SPA to be expanded. In addition to consolidating the site through purchase, improved habitat would be delivered through seasonally raising water levels, implementing a seasonal grazing regime, scrub control and clearing and reprofiling the drainage ditches. Through interpretation and controlled public access, the project aimed to increase awareness of the conservation value of the wider area and the purpose and value of Natura 2000 designation. It also sought to demonstrate the potential for economic benefits for local communities through environmental designations. Results The Waterbirds project was established with two key objectives in mind: to restore and manage priority fen habitat and to improve conditions for a number of Annex 1 waterbird species. A number of soil and hydrological surveys were undertaken beforehand to understand fen restoration and the impact of raising water levels on the reserve. The resulting information was used in the preparation of the site management plan. The main problem with the site was that large areas of the priority fen habitat had been drained and planted with exotic conifers. The project therefore removed the trees and established a system of water level management that has restored the water table. Areas of scrub that had encroached on to the fen area were also removed, and local breeds of ponies used to control coarse grasses and open up the turf. As the water level has risen the need for ongoing removal of scrub has been reduced, but the ponies will remain as a key management tool. The project established a number of habitats to attract overwintering species, in particular white fronted geese (Anser albifrons). These habitats include seasonally flooded grasslands, grazed by cattle in summer, and land planted with forage crops. The habitat restoration and management provides optimum conditions for little egrets (Egretta garzetta), which are now present at the reserve all year round and it is believed that a kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) breeding population has also been attracted there. Ongoing monitoring of water quality, vegetation, target and non-target species will continue after the close of the project. A considerable amount of time was spent promoting the project and improving access to the reserve by installing all-weather boardwalks and a hide for bird watching. A large number of leaflets were produced, and four signboards were also installed around the reserve. A repeat survey of the local population found an increase in conservation awareness and appreciation of the Natura 2000 network. In general, the project achieved all of the objectives identified in the original proposal. Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report and After-LIFE Conservation Plan (see "Read more" section).


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