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Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project on entrepreneurship is developed in a mainly rural region, supported by agriculture. Seeing a bigger attractive in this professional activity than in the studies generates a high number of students absenteeism or students with a low academic interest. The main objective of the project is to recover those students with indicators of absentee profile and give them the opportunity to be taught, together with the rest of students, in the entrepreneurship for promotion and development of local products, with the progress and growth of the agriculture, intensifying, with this kind of activities, their interest to continue with their academic training and to finally obtain a qualification. Through this project our Center needs to contribute to improve the quality of education, thus encouraging the involvement of the participants and achieving the teacher’s role so that his/her motivation can grow and get stronger, in order to achieve the educational factor that we are looking for. This project is composed of 6 members, teachers from different departments of our Center, getting to work crosswise in the project, through the different areas of the curriculum. There is a teacher from the Department of Biology and Geology, another one from the Department of French, Artistic Education, Visual and Audiovisual, English, and from Maths and Technology Department. Being their comon goal to give an international dimension to our project on entrepreneurship, increasing our experience in Europe, in order to achieve that the work fostered from rural areas to international areas have a repercussion on the student’s motivation, and its involvement on the work. We will start with the teaching activities of the participants and creators of the project, being the starting point in order to improve the quality of education in our center and to reach and obtain new competences.We consider that one of the main factors for educational success is to strengthen the teachers’ role, and he/she to be determined to work hard and get involved in any of the educative novelties, so new knowledge for the innovation and the improvement of our system can be achieved. The fact of sharing any kind of ideas and experiences with other countries and to take as a model to those who have success before, opens us up an infinite window of opportunities. The training courses to be done are the following: 1º.- “Promoting the Culture of Entrepreneurshhip”, from 12th to 16th of September 2016. Hamrun, Malta (Organising Company : AcrossLimits Ltd)2º.- “Entrepreneurship Education and Creativity”, fom 26th to 30th of September 2016. Riga, Latvia (Organising Company: European Educational Circle)3º.- “Modern Technology and Entrepreneurship as tolos to better learning”, from 7th to 11th of November 2016. Kaarina, Finland. (Organising Company: Piikkiön yhtenäiskoulu)4º.- “Teaching Entrepreneurship in Schools: Experiential approach”, from 19th to 25th of March 2017, Ljubljana, Eslovenia. (Organising Company: Primera Group)In order to achieve the proposed objectives we must focus on the search of the following priorities:- A detailed programme will be done and sequenced to create a business project in the center. - New methodologies and innovative pedagogical approaches of learning and teaching.- Open educational resources and a better use of ICT focused on the development of the business project.- To begin and innovate on the commercialisation of products and on the type of the same in order to make aware that it is not a stagnant profession but that it has a need of ideas, creativity and the desire to grow into the sector.- Ideas exchange, pedagogical and technological resources with other centers and companies form other countries. Creating prototypes of new products thus as the business entrepreneurship of them. - To improve the teachers’ professional and linguistic competences.Through the launching of the new and successful innovative known practices, through the development capability of the new teaching methods, as for the implantation of new basic competencies coming from other educational systems, we can appreciate the impact on the participants and other involved people from the educational community.The Center will be situated in a prestigious position for the implementation of the entrepreneurship project, becoming a benchmark for other centers at national and international level. We hope that all work to be done in the following 12 months, give great benefits and make an important impact that involve the whole educational community in order we can achieve our main objective, to reduce the school absenteeism and that students at risk of educational failure have hope and confidence.

