Rechercher des projets européens

Renovierung der Kirchenburgen in Mardisch und Martinsdorf / Siebenbürgen, Rumänien
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

At the WorldSkills Competition in 2013 in Leipzig, the world's largest professional education event, we had the chance to discuss the matter of working together in educational projects with colleagues and the project "Fortified Churches" in Transsylvania came into focus. In 2011 the school for building trade in Munich in cooperation with the vocational training center for building and carpentry started preserving and renovating the fortified church in Mardisch/Transsylvania in line with the named EU-project. For us, as a vocational training trainer center for painters and carsprayers, renovation and preservation of buildings in a way typical for the particular setting, in e.g. Transsylvania, it seemed only natural to participate in renovating the fortified church. It became clear very quickly that for a further professional renovation of the church and the surrounding buildings a close cooperation between different crafts would be essential for a successful continuation of the project work. In consequence the idea and the intention were born to bring in further craftmanship to continue with the original project initiated by the school for building trade. Besides, an increase of participating apprentices from 15 up to 40 had become possible as a condition precedent to bring in a sufficient number of participants of the different required crafts. After a thorough inspection of the existing project working sites together with the coordinating office for fortified churches in Transsylania and our project-partner, the district consistory, we were able to assess and schedule the project tasks first to follow regarding renovating and re-designing together with our craftmaship partners - carpenters, brick-layers, plasterers and painters, all of them apprentices from the schools named in Munich. At that stage it will be important to arrange the work orders carefully in order to allow a close and efficient cooperation among the different crafts. Everyone should be provided the opportunity to look over someone's shoulder in order to learn from each other: On the one hand the participants will experience the necessity of reasonably cooperating at working sites with their craft colleagues. On the other hand it will be a good opportunity for them to learn new skills and knowledge from related crafts. The idea is a reproduction of reality in professional work life, as known from working sites, defining the daily agenda. The central aspect ist the idea of activity-orientated education and training, using the method of self-contained activity which is meant to support our participants' skills development. The method's efficacy regarding comprehensive learning processes is meant to be a further step on the way to professional decision-making and responsibility. In our opinion a reproduction of professional reality is going to be well distinguishable and will be leading to a better understanding of well planned, coordinated and thus success-promising and craft-connecting teamwork. Living and working together during apprenticeship offers the chance for all participants, apprentices and their trainers/teachers to get better known to each other, offering the opportunity to realize individual skills, supporting those and bring them meaninggfully and reasonably into project work. This ressource-orientated procedure is meant to be beneficial and strengthening for our apprentices' personality. In Europe we see a great chance of getting and working together in trans-national projects, having intercultural and profession-related exchanges. Only people who talk to each other - or even better - work with each other will be able to see and understand each other's concerns and attitudes. The sooner we start - the better.



1 Participants partenaires