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Religious Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Traini..
Religious Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Training
The Religious Diversity and Anti-Discrimination
project developed and managed a new training
programme to address diversity and discrimination
issues around religion. The programme included
subject-specifi c modules on anti-Semitism and
discrimination against muslims, and is designed
to help enhance adult education in areas where
information about religious diversity and discrimination
is needed.
This project took on the development of a new training
programme for adult educators addressing issues of religious
diversity and anti-discrimination. It aims to provide
them with the tools to transform obstacles presented by
religious diff erences into opportunities.
The training programme is not an interfaith dialogue
programme and does not teach various religious traditions.
Rather, it is designed in the spirit of anti-prejudice
and diversity education, recognising and respecting
multicultural diversity. It confronts prejudice and discrimination
and develops intercultural skills, bringing a topic
to adult educators who may or may not have religious
expertise or affi liation.
By working with educators that are active in community
associations and by providing them with concrete educational
tools, it is possible to raise awareness around
issues of religious diversity. The training course has been
developed as a means for facilitating dialogue and the
exchange of experiences in areas of religion and culture.
Participants have the option to receive university-level
credit for their work in the training programme through
the University of Derby (Learning Through Work Scheme).
These credits may also be used in the European Credit
Transfer System.
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