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Réalisation d'une PFMP en Angleterre, Bac Pro Comm..
Réalisation d'une PFMP en Angleterre, Bac Pro Commerce SECTION EUROPEENNE
Date du début: 15 sept. 2014,
Date de fin: 14 sept. 2016
This project is part of the dynamics of innovative practices, here the Building construction/Road contruction programme in vocational schools
In combination with existing partnerships (Comenius partnership) it falls within the framework of our secondary school project : “towards a forward looking school”
The main objective is to foster educational success and young people’s employment while helping the students to obtain their Baccalauréat and the “Europro” certificate.
The students will gain professional skills and will also have the opportunity to discover other working methods.
At the same time, they will develop their capacity to adapt to a new environment et improve their linguistic skills, which corresponds to a need expressed by employers.
Furthermore, the students’ mobility to England is the best way to make them conscious of their European citizenship : openness to other cultures, sociability, mobility…
Eventually, a professional experience abroad offers prospects of employment in other European countries.
5 students preparing their Baccalauréat Professionnel from last and second-to-last year of business studies (trade and sales) will go to Dublin – Ireland for an internship of 4 weeks in different Irish Firm.
The students aged between 17 to 18 have been carefully selected and follow the bilingual programme
They will be accompanied by two teachers – the English teacher and the sales and marketing teacher in charge of the bilingual programme- who will be tasked of monitoring and evaluating the internship abroad.
* During the mobility , the students have a 19 hour English course focused on oral communication and the acquisition of work-related vocabulary. Cultural outings and visits to companies are also planned.
* They do an internship in different firm in Dublin. This internship is part of their training and is essential for their graduation.
* After the mobility, the students complete a work term report which they will present when passing their examination for the « Europro » certificate.
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