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RE-N.E.T. - REvitalizing networks and New Emphasis in Transfer: preventing and facing early school leaving by sharing solutions and tools

The implementation of educational interventions was fostering actions different and integrative with respect to the scholastic and “traditional” ones (counselling, socialization, transferring of competences related to the freetime management), represented an efficacious strategy when coping with young unease, apt to support the reintegration of subjects dropped out of compulsory education and training. The best practices involved different actors and promote territorial and local networks operating in specific contexts to meet the requirements of the young mostly at risk.However, this interventions ran the risk of being disjointed and not valorised and disseminated as it would be necessary.The aim of RENET project is to valorise the networks established by subjects that share the objective of coping with school leaving, which had demonstrated to be efficient, efficacious and innovative.In particular, the activities realised by the “Resources Centres Network”, (linking 140 schools on 6 different Italian regions), created and implemented thanks to the School Operative National Programme 2000-2006, financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), include specific experiences and practices that should be transferred and valorised and that, instead, run the risk of remaining isolated and unknown.


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