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Radosna integracja
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015,
Date de fin: 31 août 2017
The project "Joyful integration" will be implemented in primary school, where integrative classes are created . School no 51 is the largest institution of its kind in Lublin, attends to it approx. 1400 students and over 145 employed teachers. Creating integrative classes is a challenge for teachers in our school. Despite the fact that they have the training and qualifications required by law, teachers do not feel competent enough to take the job. They feel the weight of responsibility, effort, uncertainty and serious doubts as to whether the measures taken are the most effective. Teachers have a need to verify their knowledge and attitudes with other teachers experienced in integration. Because the public schools in Poland experience similar difficulties, we want to work with the European schools from other countries.
The project involves several fundamental objectives:
- development of standards for the organization of education and care and rehabilitation of students with disabilities (in our school do not exist such procedures)
- explore new ways of working with students with disabilities during different activities (learning the basic skills at school, sports, therapeutic classes)
- knowledge of equipment, technical measures adapting the environment to meet the needs of students with disabilities
- study teachers ' attitudes to a disabled child, compare the results and take actions to change these attitudes (by taking advantage of each other's experience in the partner schools) our needs and problems were recognised on the basis of a careful diagnosis of the problems associated with the integration classes.
Development of procedures for the organization of care and education of students with the official diagnosis on the need for special education in SP (51) in Lublin, Poland
-will make order in the process of organization of the integration classes, will result in the improvement of the level of teaching in those classes, will reduce the differences in the efficiency of education between students with disabilities and their healthy peers.
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