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Quality Assessment and Peer Review in Practice
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This partnership is titled Quality Assessment and Peer Review in Practice and is comprised of four partners who provide adult education forstudents in Finland, Spain, Turkey and Greece. The communication language is English although this is not the language of any of the partners, which implies an additional effort for all participants involved. The aims of this projects are to develop innovative adult education and management practices, and encourage widespread implementation and to improve the quality and amount of co-operation between adult education organisations. Motivation of this project: The aim of this project is that all partners will learn how to do the peer review and how to use it in quality management. Peer reviewsupports continuing quality improvement. To be able to develope the qualitative activities of each other peer review is a form of external evaluation which fosters quality assurance and quality development. So called peers, who are an external group of experts, are invited to make a judgment of the quality of different fields of the adult education institutions located in different countries. In order to be able to evaluate processes in different adult education institutions, the peers usually have to visit those organizations. This can be done during the mobilities. Although the peers are external, they work in similar adult education fields and have the knowledge and specific expertise of the evaluated subject. The aim of this project is to evaluate the activities and how each partner organize the mobilities in country using the same criteria. Peers are "persons of equal standing" with the persons whose performance is reviewed. The Peers give initial oral feedback at the end of the Peer Visit. Objectives: 1. To be able to use peer review as a quality management tool. 2. To improve the quality of certain field of adult education. 3. To have peer review as an evaluation tool in the future. 3. To learn more about external inspection and external assessment in our institutions. 4. To introduce peer review in institutes quality assessment and development procedures. 5. To develop innovative adult education and management practices and to encourage its widespread implementation. 6. To support innovative ICT-based educational content, services and practices. 7. To ensure that people on the margins of society have access to adult education, especially those who left education without basic qualifications. 8. To promote an awareness of the importance e of cultural and linguistic diversity within Europe. Especially for us who live in remote areas. 9. To encourage adult students to use foreign language. Problems we intend to address: 1. Transparency and comparability of quality in adult education in Europe through a common European standard. 2. Incompetence in ICT-skills of adult students. 3. Incompetence in language skills of adult students. 4. Expanding European culture into remote areas. 5. Equal opportunities in society. 6. Social exclusion of remote areas. Approaches we will take to achieve our objectives: 1. We will use peer review techniques to assess every partner´s institution during the mobilities. 2. Peer review will assess both the mobilities and activities and how they have been organized. 3. The coordinating institution will make all the peer review forms based on the European peer review manual for initial VET. 4. Supporting adult students to use and increase their ICT-skills. 5. Encouraging and supporting adult students to use their English. 6. Inclusion of local media in the activities of the participating educational institutions. 7. Increasing the knowledge of European culture in remote areas.



3 Participants partenaires