Rechercher des projets européens

Qualitätssicherung des Unterrichts und Mobilisierung des Personals zur Einführung des bilingualen Unterrichts zur Internationalisierung
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our school is agrammer school with a bilingual branch, pursuing to make our students become independent and responsible. We teach them to be self-assertive, to get along in our globalized world and to work on increasing their knowledge on the basis of multiculturism and language literacy. Therefore our teaching personnel is obliged to take further education courses to be capable of leading this process of development. Improving the language skills of our personnel and increasing the quality of school lessons by expanding the quality of methodology and didactcs to introduce bilingual classes in particular subjects are the goals of this project. New levels of communikation (e-twinning) are made public by supporting the international exchange of experiences in school and teachers` exchange programmes. The experiences gained in these further education programmes will be presented to all those being involved in school issues. Results will be discussed and evaluated in further training measures, to integrate successful methods into our students` education.

