Rechercher des projets européens

Qualifizierung von Sachfachlehrern in den Berufsfeldern Wirtschaft, Technik und Handwerk auf bilinguale Unterrichtsanteile
Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The projects aims to prepare teachers of the Vocational college for introducing and utilizing bilingual teaching moduls in a broad range of subjects. Subject teachers are to obtain knowledge and skills relevant to teaching languages and technical terms within their trade, whereas language teachers are expected to gain more detailed technical expertise relevant to individual trades. Alongside innovative methods and modern approaches to language teaching will be introduced. Within the initial stage of our school’s mobility project have particular subjects, such as Spanish, Electrical Engineering, Woodworking, Metalworking, Economics and Natural Sciences been identified as being of particular importance to the strategic development of skills within our school’s organisation. Subsequently those members of staff undergoing training courses are going to play an important role as multipliers by sharing their technical knowledge and language skills, as well as spreading their experiences with the students and other internal and external addressees. Thus sustainability of the efforts and measures taken will be guaranteed. A selection of members of staff has been made accordingly, in particular those members of staff have been included who are actively involved in designing curricula. This will help to make the European dimension a more integrated part of everyday teaching, will enhance the relevance of the subjects taught and will foster the students’ preparedness for the European labour market.

