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Quality management of peer production of e-le..
Quality management of peer production of e-learning
The overall aim of the project is to accelerate the creation of peer-produced e-learning content by providing amethodology and a process to manage its quality. This overall aim also supports the empowerment of e-learners invocational education and training in their development from passive receivers of e-learning content towards activeproducers of content of their specific knowledge areas.Peer production of e-learning content is a growing trend, which will play an elementary role in creating, validating,enriching, editing, and updating of digital learning content. Thus it is important to pay growing attention to themanagement and support of peer production in e-learning, which will also enable new learning material production andupdating work methods.The specific aim of the project is to develop a solid approach and methodology on how to organise and support thequality management process of peer-produced e-learning content. The project itself does not take a position of the elearningtools (such as e-learning platforms or Learning Management Systems) used, but is developing and implementinga systematic process for the quality management of peer-produced e-learning content.The project will validate the developed methodology through three pilots in three different VET entities, and thus havethe opportunity to consolidate the piloting experiences to the actual toolset developed and the training sessions organised.
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