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Public Procurement according to International and ..
Public Procurement according to International and European Union Law
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015,
Date de fin: 31 août 2018
Public authorities spend nearly 19% of European GDP on procuring goods, services. Public procurement in the EU has a major impact on national expenditure each year and the economy of the Member States. Given the current budgetary restrictions and economic crisis in the EU and the Europe 2020 Strategy, public procurement policy in the Member States is a subject of crucial importance and has become one of the priority actions of the EU. It is a fact that the EU has had an important role in the emergence of a real EU public procurement law and policy. Public procurement is also a powerful level for achieving societal goals.The project will consist in a teaching module course on EU and International public procurement. Public Procurement is traditionally studied in Portuguese universities under the perspective of public national administrative law. We intend to give more visibility to EU studies in this specific area of EU integration and foster the teaching of EU law and policy, by giving more emphasis to the impact of EU angle. The participants will be graduated students and practitioners in order to promote the EU angle in an area traditionally approached as a national issue and to improve their knowledge and have in impact in their professional life. The project will focus on the analysis of the legal and economic aspects of the new EU directives and their transposition in the national legal system through the teaching course.The project aims at analyzing and discussing solutions for the cross-border public procurement that is still a small part of the public procurement contracts in Portugal. It will also analyzed the role of the WTO and the new Government Procurement Agreement. The project will involve decision-makers, as participants and partners.
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