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Promoting Sustainable Living
Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This is a long-term training programme focused on the promotion of sustainable living through a combination of holistic approaches to sustainable development for youth workers from 10 European organisations. The project is a result of ASHA Foundations’ experience and expertise in sustainable development (including its own Centre, entirely run according to the principles of sustainable development). It is also a consequence of the needs assessment(s) of our partner organisations, all working on various aspects of sustainable development, and willing to extend their expertise learn from each other and benefit from a more holistic approach. The main aim of the project is to develop youth workers’ competences in using education for sustainable development (ESD) across EU countries using non-formal educational methods. The methods applied during the programme foster a holistic approach to sustainable development, including its three dimensions: social, economic and environmental. The project stems from the experience and expertise of the ASHA Centre. We have implemented two long-term programmes within the UK YiA TCP programme in 2012-2013, having trained almost 200 people, and a long-term Erasmus Plus project implemented in 2014. It also stems from the resources available locally at the Forest of Dean and across Gloucestershire, looking at the connection between local action undertaken by young people and global responsibility of all communities and societies for a sustainable development. The Applicant, the ASHA Foundation, acts as a hosting organisation. The programme includes three training events: the first will focus on environmental sustainability (October 2015), the second, on economic sustainability (November 2015) and the third on social sustainability (December 2015). The programme will involve a total of 96 participants over three courses. Participants come from 10 partner organisations from the following countries: UK, Lithuania, Romania, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Turkey, Spain and Bulgaria. The immediate result of the course is the creation of a pool of 96 experts in a holistic approach to ESD. Our aim is to empower them to become multipliers, using their newly acquired competencies in their local work. We also hope that the courses will bring measurable outcomes in terms of future activities within Erasmus Plus programme. But also a number of local initiatives aimed at the promotion of sustainable living. The direct impact will be made on our participants and on their sending organisations. Also the local community within the Forest of Dean will feel the impact of 96 youth workers willing to learn from them, share their experiences and observations with them, and hopefully forging future cooperation. The long-term impact will be on local organisations and communities of our participants. Our course aims at personal development but also at an impact one can have on his/her own local community.



9 Participants partenaires