Rechercher des projets européens

Promoting Animal Welfare
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 1 oct. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Training course Animal Welfare Education will gather together 30youth workers from 9 Programme countries – UK, Romania, Greece, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta and Turkey. During 9 days, the participants will explore the ways of integrating animal welfare into youth work. The programme is designed in accordance with the objectives and identified needs of participants. The training course will offer space for interactions of participants working in different settings, sharing of ideas and creation of a platform for future international projects. The programme is based on non-formal educational principles and is divided into 5 areas: - introduction and group building. - Needs analysis, EU and local context, and capacity building of the organisations involved - exploring the ways to integrate animal welfare into youth work, methods and activities available - development of individual strategies and planning of participants’ follow-up of the TC - follow-up, evaluation ( during and after the activity stage) and dissemination results. The “participation café” will be used to provide space outside the official sessions for participants to reflect about the day, discuss open issues and/or interesting topics and the transfer of the contents into participants’ reality. The Cultural Evenings will give the opportunity to the participants to introduce their culture, music, food and will contribute to European dimension of the project. In their free time, the participants will be able to explore Pecs. In 2010 Pécs was selected to be the European Capital of Culture. The participants from different EU countries will have opportunity to visit the city, to learn more about Hungarian history and heritage. This fact itself has intercultural dimentsion. Objectives of the project are: - To Modernise youth work, expanding the areas of work the organisations focus on, and increase the quality of youth work in animal welfare, making it more effictive - Develop the core competences and knowledge of youth work professionals - Gain cultural awareness and diversity of Europe - To enhance international dimension of youth activities, the partner organisations involved in, and cooperation between organisations to increase youth mobility. The project will add additional value and innovations to the participants’ previous work and to the organisations they represent. The project will cover the gap in knowledge and will help to develop structured youth work in animal welfare field (this is innovative aspect for all organisations invoved).



8 Participants partenaires