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Project based Learning Model by International eWork (PLIMe)

This project was designed to research such collaboration by undertaking practical e-work tasks through an internet platform and then testing their results. The aim has been to find assistance and solutions of a kind that every student and teacher can develop in an international setting, in order to enhance internationality in an inexpensive way and link cooperative project tasks with normal schoolwork, within existing courses. The idea has been that international projects could form a part of both students’ and teachers’ normal school work, and a part of the normal lessons that can be carried out on Internet platforms.Traditionally, e-Learning has consisted of “one way” learning using materials and working on tasks saved on an internet platform. Collaborating has happened between students and teachers, but not between students themselves. The materials and tasks have been devised by the teachers or commercial companies and distributed to students and teachers through the Internet. The aim of this project was, then, that e-Learning could become technology-supported everyday e-Work, moving for-ward from simply the distribution of learning materials towards the production of new e-learning/e-Work materials. To shift the focus of learning closer towards participant-centered project-learning would increase motivation, improve language skills, and bring international activities into the everyday framework of school work. There are several views of learning in the World. One of them is the “Constructional view”, the idea of which is to construct information and also produce new information. The project results provide a basis for doing this. We found useful ways and means of moving forward. Our next projects could well continue this kind of activity by devising more practical e-work project tasks designed for specific subjects.