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Professional ELP to improve EU workers Employabili..
Professional ELP to improve EU workers Employability by the
improvement of their professional foreign language skills
The European Language Portfolio (ELP) is one the most successful toolsof the Council of Europe (CoE) for language learning promotion. Linkedto the European Framework of Reference for Languages, ELPs proposea specific methodology and tool for the awareness increase by LanguageLearner’s on the ownership and control of his/her learning process. Morethan 90 ELPs have been validated so far by the CoE, mostly focused onformal education and vocational training environments. The flexibility andsuppleness of the ELP approach allow its tailoring to other targetobjectives. For instance, at present time it does not exist any ELPaddressed to adults who aim to improve their language competencies inorder to improve their Employability. Such an ELP would provide allStakeholders involved in language learning processes, oriented at avocational and professional sector, a common and standardised tool forthe (self) learning and assessment of related language skills andcompetencies. Prof-ELP proposes the development of an innovative ELPthat will contribute to EU workers Employability by the improvement oftheir professional foreign language skills. Prof-ELP will be produced indifferent versions (paper-based, electronic and digital media).Prof-ELPwill be defined and developed on a cooperation basis where consortiumpartners and relevant stakeholders (Promoters of Employment Services,Language training Providers, Employers and Workers and futureworkers) will jointly define and produce Prof-ELP and will have thefollowing benefits: Workers and future workers will have access to a newself-learning and self-assessment tool on professional language skillsand competencies, and will provide information about their languageproficiency on professional environments, on a scale valid at the EUlevel. ; Employers will be provided with a tool that will allow them to getan overall picture of their employees’ or applicants’ language proficiencyon generic professional competencies and to determine proficiencyneeds of employees to design training programmes; Language trainingProviders will be able to tailor Training processes and documentlanguage performances according to the language skills andrequirements demanded for professional settings, and to their user’sdemands. ; Promoters of Employment Services will be able tostrategically plan and organise the provision of language training servicesfollowing workers and job-seekers, employers, and providers practicaldemands.
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