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Professional Development of University Educators for Improving Students' Entrepreneurial Skills
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project addresses the issue of entrepreneurship development that is highlighted in the Communication on Reigniting the entrepreneurial spirit in Europe (Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan) adapted by the European Commission in September, 2013. The project is aimed to improve entrepreneurship education at higher education institutions and in such way to contribute to better quality of higher education and its' potential to produce entrepreneurial graduates. The project is focused to promote entrepreneurship education based on interdisciplinary, cross-curricula approach, relating entrepreneurial skills not only to business and/or economics studies but with other disciplines as well. The main aim of the project will be pursued by developing a set of instruments that will support educators in deepening knowledge and skills on entrepreneurship and empowering them to incorporate entrepreneurship education into their curricula across different study courses. In order to reach the aim, the following objectives will be met in the project: 1. Analysis on practices of entrepreneurship education in higher education sector in partners as well as other countries will be carried out. The main objective of the analysis is to have the view of the current state on the world practices on entrepreneurial skills development in HE sector which can be transferred and integrated to the project partner countries. The methods used for the analysis will be based on the desk research of the national and international documents, research and study reports, publications and other available resources. 2. A model of entrepreneurship education in HE sector will be framed. The model will discuss the main issue aspects: general concepts, principles, attitudes and approaches related to entrepreneurship education, didactic methodological parameters such as integration principles and methods of entrepreneurship skills development into curriculum; research innovations (contracted research development, cooperation with business, development of innovative products); institutional support; entrepreneurship specification in terms of knowledge, skills, competences, attitude; professional profile of educators needed to develop entrepreneurial skills, roles of stakeholders in entrepreneurship education, etc. 3. Modules/training material for strengthening HE educators’ professional profile in relation to developing entrepreneurial skills will be worked out and tested through training activities with university educators. The scope of the modules will be in compliance with the model on entrepreneurship education and will serve as supportive measure for its’ implementation. 4. Scenarios for integration of entrepreneurship model into specific curriculum subjects will be developed. At least 7 scenarios aimed to promote students' entrepreneurship mindset and develop their entrepreneurial skills will be worked out and incorporated into curricula. The scenarios will be based on interdisciplinary approach relating entrepreneurial skills not only with business or economics studies but also with other subject areas. While implementing the above mentioned objectives the project will: - bring together members of academic society and business sector to raise awareness on importance of entrepreneurial skills for successful performance in working, learning activities as well as other environments; - provide methodological background and instruments for developing entrepreneurship aimed to improve educators' and students' entrepreneurial attitudes and skills; - provide opportunities for participants to get familiarized with the entrepreneurial practices/ state of the art with the view to integrate them to their everyday teaching work; - provide with an European wide view on relevant educational innovation in teaching and learning - support educators in developing concepts, didactics and curricula for entrepreneurship education; - support and encourage educators to design scenarios for developing entrepreneurial skills; - contribute to strengthening the professional profile of teaching staff. 14 university educators - project target group members - will be directly involved in the project activities. A number of multiplier events- workshops, round-table discussions and seminars - are planned to reach larger numbers of project target group members as well as other stakeholders (administrative, business representatives, employers) and to benefit from the project results. The project will contribute to strengthening international cooperation and experience on entrepreneurial education. It is expected that project outputs will bring a step further in the process of promoting entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial culture in society in Poland, Lithuania and Spain as well as in the other European countries and will generate further research and projects on the issue.



3 Participants partenaires