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European Projects
Profesní rozvoj pedagogů ZŠ Václava Havla Poděbrad..
Profesní rozvoj pedagogů ZŠ Václava Havla Poděbrady
Date du début: 1 juin 2015,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2016
The choice of the host school worked on experience, that the target school had a partnership with our school in years 2014 and 2015. Both schools knew each other via e-Twinning cooperation, their projects have won national and European certificates, besides that one has won national prize in e-Twinning of the Czech Republic.
Before the mobility project was realized, the teachers got acquainted with the educational programme of school they went to visit, as well as with the Education Act and basic documents of Slovak education system. They studied the school’s website and familiarized themselves with the school management and running. The participants had the support of a mentor - a representative of the school which was tasked to provide support so that the mobility targets were met. She was available to help with any difficulties before, during and after completing the mobility project. It was a new experience for both teachers and the mentor. The mentor´s support was particularly needed in the areas of methodology, organization and final reports´ writing.
The planned mobility activities were met by shadowing colleagues at the partner school in classes. Teachers visited the following lessons – Slovak language and literature, English, elementary science, music, mathematics, physics and geography. They worked in the field of direct and indirect pedagogical work. They watched a teaching process and hold the conversation about the lesson afterwards – about the methods, teaching aids and tools used. They discussed these issues within the common meetings of methodical associations and subject commissions. In addition they also discussed the integration of pupils with learning disabilities (inclusion in education) with the school counselor. They talked about the system of counseling and support, admissions procedures to secondary schools and career guidance strategies. The issues especially observed in classes were - the involvement of ICT into teaching process, lessons planning and organization, cooperation with parents. The headmaster Vlastimil Špinka observed the staff management and organization, time management, methods of teamwork and creating the concept of school curriculum. Furthermore he worked within the mobility on e-Twinning project with pupils of the 6th grade. Next to it the teacher Věra Froňková entered into a new e-Twinning project of music education and Marcela Hladká is negotiating about e-Twinning project in English.
An unexpected benefit of the project for teachers was the possibility of their own outputs in lessons, which they prepared with the Slovak colleagues.The most valuable experience appeared in geography lesson, when the Czech Republic theme was taught by the Czech teacher Radek Hruška.
Teachers participated in operational meetings at the partner school, both were aimed at solving the current running of the school.
All participants of mobility project met with the representatives of the local government and discussed their great involvement in the school management and running.
Pedagogues also attended school events like Celebration of Light – a pumpkin festival, when they had the opportunity to talk with the parents. They were interested in parents´ assessment of the quality of school, variety of activities and other topics and they have received a positive feedback. Besides the mobility plan the teachers familiarized themselves with the nursery school operation, which is the part of the partner organization.
Within the mobility project the Czech pedagogues visited the museum of Ludmila Podjavorinska in the village together with Slovak pupils and teachers. Another common activities were a climbing tour to Velká Javorina, sightseeing tours to Milan Rastislav Štefánik barrow on the hill Bradlo and his birthplace, castles Trenčín, Beckov, Bojnice, Čachtice. Photos of these places were then used in teachers´ classes. All participants really enjoyed both shadowing at school and the visiting historical and cultural sights as well. In this way the partner organization created an excellent conditions to implement the targets of the project. Both activities contributed to meeting the needs of the partner organization as well - the required support of teachers and support of school management in the area of education.
The mobility project contributed to strengthen social skills, communication, problem solving, and language competence. Teachers have also broadened their professional growth and gained new experience in didactics. In the area of inclusion pedagogues didn´t meet any new experience.
It was proved that pedagogues are able to cooperate with a partner school of the neighboring Slavic state, they have completed all the tasks, and therefore they have received mobility Europass. The project was very successful, it lived up to expectations and even exceeded some it was especially the experience of teaching in lessons and the linking of current e-Twinning project with project Erasmus +.
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