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Producing Open Online Learning Systems 2

The project has promoted and exploited CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) in Cyprus, Malta, and Portugal.The lack of exploitation of CALL in CY, MT, and PT was well documented in several reports, e.g. The EU commissioned report “The Impact of Information and Communications Technologies on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and on the Role of Teachers of Foreign Languages” (2002) p5: “the use and deployment of ICT in FLT and FLL is far from satisfactory, as ICT resources are traditionally reserved for ‘(computer) science’ subjects, and rarely assigned to arts subjects. A general lack of appropriate training of language teachers in meaningful uses of ICT tends to strengthen this trend”.The project has addressed these needs by transferring the results from POOLS to CY, MT, and PT which were result in pools of online materials that can be used for developing language lesson contents utilizing the advantages of eLearning and enable teachers of the less taught languages to use ICT in their lessons.POOLS focused on CALL and produced a course book, teacher courses, and DIY (Do It Yourself) videos on CALL materials development. To support CALL development POOLS produced sample CALL materials (for language students) and 180 videos with transcriptions in nine languages. The videos were used during teacher training courses as basis for developing exercises. POOLS continued as a grass root network and the number of videos has since the funded period been doubled:-)The TOI has transfered the POOLS results by adapting and translating the core materials (course book, course manuals, and the DIY video subtitles), produced digital videos for use in CALL materials development in the three new languages, and run a sequence of teacher training courses on CALL.The project consortium comprised VET colleges, universities, and organizations from BE, CY, DK, ES, MT, PT and UK all involved in language teaching. Dissemination was planned with EfVET as dissemination partner (reaching VET teachers and policy makers), participation in VET and language teacher conferences, through quarterly newsletters, and the project website (which can document 20.000+ unique visitors).Quality control has been supported by external quality assessment and based on milestones and deliveries reported four times per year by all partners.



6 Participants partenaires