Rechercher des projets européens

Pripovedovanje kot učna metoda v procesih integracije in rehabilitacije
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Storytelling Variety, led by professional storytellers Ana Duša and Špela Frlic, has been systematically developing and implementing educational programs in the field of contemporary storytelling since 2010. In cooperation with Slovenian and foreign experts in the fields of education, storytelling and related fields, they are establishing comprehensive educational programs for adults in the field of Storytelling. The programs are aimed at three target groups: individuals who want to become professional storytellers; individuals who use storytelling as one of the methods in their principal occupation (teachers, librarians); individuals with fewer opportunities (disabled, Roma, migrants, prisoners, adults who have prematurely left the process of compulsory education). The aim of the project is to create a curriculum that will clearly define which needs of the above-mentioned social groups can be addressed through the use of storytelling methods. Also, the project aims to define how this curriculum should be integrated in the wider curriculum of teaching storytelling to the adults (the document is being prepared by Storytelling Variety). The curriculum will also include specific teaching methods and exercises. Udeleženke projekta sta sestavljalki izobraževlanih programov organizacije prijaviteljice in mentorici ter producentka omenjenih programov. Pri pripravi učnega načrta sodelujejo tudi slovenski in tuji strokovnjaki s področja izobraževanja ter drugih relevantnih področij. Participants of project are the above mentioned authors of Applicant organizations’ educational programmes and the producer of these programs. Different Slovenian and foreign experts in the field of education and other relevant fields are also included in preparing of the curriculum. Projektne aktivnosti vključujejo sistematizacijo in poglabljanje znanja udeleženk na področju poznavanja zadevnih družbenih skupin in njihovih potreb; udeležbo v učnem laboratoriju francoske organizacije La Maison du Conte ter job shodowing v isti organizaciji; izdelavo učnega načrta; predstavitev učnega načrta strokovni javnosti z namenom njegove izpopolnitve. Uporabljene metodologije bodo intervjuji in pogovori s strokovnjaki v fazi priprave, udeležba v izobraževalnem programu ter spremljanje dela gostujoče organizacije, proučevanje in smiselna integracija obstoječih metod dela v izdelavo učnega načrta ter drugih rednih aktivnosti KD Pripovedovalski Variete. Project activities include: deepening and sistematisation of participants’ knowledge in the field of relevant social groups and their needs; participation in the storytelling laboratory of the French organization La Maison du Conte and job shadowing in the same organization; making the curriculum; presentation of the curriculum to the teachers, libraryans and other individualds who work with the above mentioned scial groups, with the aim of including their comments and remarks. The methodologies used are interviews and conversations with experts in the preparatory phase, participation in the educational program and monitoring of the work of host organization, study and meaningful integration of methods of work used by host organizaton into making the curriculum, and into other regular activities of Storytelling Variety. Expected effects and results include: broader inclusion of contemporary storytelling methods in the existing and new educational processes; linking experts from various fields in the creation of the curriculum; increase in the number of individuals who will be trained to use the methodologies in their work with specific social groups; general improvement of existing integrational and rehabillitational programs; harmonization of such educational systems in different linguistic and cultural contexts and better connection of individuals and organizations that work in the field of education for specific social groups. The long-term goal of the project is to establish a formal curriculum and evaluating system for storytellers and storytellers-educators.



1 Participants partenaires