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Preventing Accidents in Construction – Health and Safety Multimedia Animated Learning

SHANIME aims to prepare animations that show construction accidents. These animations can be used in health and safety trainings in construction industries to minimize accidents causing death and major injuries. The construction industry has a high accident rate in Turkey and other European countries. Minimizing construction accidents is therefore highly important for this industry. Previous studies related with safety in construction have showed that the success level of theoretical health and safety trainings is low due to theoretical information given in the trainings. One of the main reasons of this ineffectiveness is the low education level of construction workers. Learning the health and safety concepts with theoretical trainings are quite difficult for these low educated workers. This project can overcome this problem by facilitating health and safety trainings using animations. The main objective of this project is to improve health and safety trainings in construction by using these animations. This project is formed of 8 partners from 4 different countries. The project is composed of seven work packages and these work packages will be executed by Anadolu University (Turkey), Polish Association of Building Managers (Poland), Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), University of Minho (Portugal), TAV Airports Holding (Turkey), Erbil Project Consulting Engineering (Turkey), The Chartered Institute of Building (United Kingdom) and the silent partner (The Turkish Employers Association of Construction Industries). The partnership here is a very successful one as it combines universities with social partners, engineering, consulting and construction companies from different countries of Europe allowing a large dissemination of our project all around Europe. All partners are competent and very well experienced on the specified subject. Our target group will be the construction workers, engineers, technicians and potential users will be the whole staff working in the construction industry. The valorisation of the project will be mainly through the products produced; web-site, DVD-ROM including the animations and booklet including didactic materials. Advertising facilities through newspapers (especially technical newspapers), periodicals; introduction facilities through meetings, workshops, conferences will be used to disseminate & exploit the results of the project. The products of our project will significantly improve health and safety trainings and have the potential to minimize construction accidents. Construction accidents has to be minimized urgently by all countries in Europe. So great impact is expected with this project as there are no similar tools in this subject. With this project, not only the Turkish construction industry but also the Polish, Portuguese, British and other European construction industries will have chance to improve the quality and effectiveness of health and safety trainings and minimize construction accidents.



7 Participants partenaires