Rechercher des projets européens

Praktyka zagraniczna dobrym startem w karierze zawodowej
Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Project title: Foreign internship - a good start in vocational career Key action: Education mobility within Erasmus+ program financed by European Commission Action type: VET learner and staff mobility Project duration: September 2014 – June 2015 Participants: 16 Beneficiary: Upper Secondary School Complex no 1 in Nowy Targ / Poland / Vocational School Internship place: Portsmouth / Great Britain Project description: Project involves organization of 4 weeks vocational training in Portsmouth – Great Britain for 16 students of Upper Secondary School Complex nr 1 in Nowy Targ – Poland, in professions: Information Technology and Digital Processing of Graphics. Project starts in September 2014 with language and cultural background preparation. The internship is planned as one go to Portsmouth for the whole group of 16 students in April / May 2015. After the internship there will be 2 months period for reporting, evaluation and dissemination of the project results. Our partner in the project is Training Vision Ltd from Portsmouth , who will enable the work placements in English companies specialized in Information Technology and Graphics. The purpose of the international internship is: - improving the vocational training and increasing the knowledge and skills of the students - implementing the theoretical knowledge into practice - getting acquainted with modern technology used in English companies – gaining European standard of education by participants - observing the functioning of English enterprises - improving English language skills, especially on vocational level - broaden the horizons of participants through getting to know English culture and history as well as establishing international contacts, exchange of experiences with maintaining the tolerance and respect for other nations - developing the cooperation between employers and institution of vocational education on national and international level - gaining the European standard of education in Upper Secondary School Complex no 1 in Nowy Targ, Poland The above aims represent also the planned effects of the project. Moreover increased mobility of the participants and their bigger possibilities of finding job due to having international vocational experience will be other great effects of the project . Our project implements strategies of European policy concerning spreading the recognition of vocational qualifications through carrying out ECVET and Europass Mobility procedures, where all the tasks and achieved skills will be specified. This factor will also cause better competitiveness of the participants on the labour market. Experience gained by Upper Secondary School Complex no1 in Nowy Targ will be a long term effect creating perspective of carrying out successfully following mobility projects and increasing the numbers of beneficiaries.



1 Participants partenaires