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Praktyczne umiejętności kluczem do sukcesu w zawod..
Praktyczne umiejętności kluczem do sukcesu w zawodzie księgowego
Date du début: 1 oct. 2016,
Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017
The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of vocational education, expanding knowledge, skills and competencies, to facilitate the professional start of future accountants, practical application of theoretical knowledge acquired during their studies, learning modern industry standards.The project is a response to the considerable interest of young people in improving their professional skills abroad and on the need to have the students appropriate and necessary in today's world of competence and skills that will enable them to start their adult life.Training program has been prepared based on the opinions and suggestions of employers in the region who are waiting for creative and mobile labor market employee who will be ready to make decisions about hiring and willing to take international cooperation. Internship program included basics of skills demanded during external examination confirming vocational qualifications for certain professions.In the process of recrutation we will get 40 trainees (2 groups of trainees of 20 persons each) from two schools: 1) Zespół Szkół im. Tischnera w Bochnii, 2), Zespół Szkół im. Wincentego Witosa, who will leave for training in the UK. We are committed to mix students from both schools which will allow participants to compare their own competence with the competence and experience of their peers from another region of Poland, which will result with equal opportunities for young people. It should be noted that a part of the pupils from the selected schools come from families with low incomes and abroad internship will help them to acquire new skills and prevent from leaving schools which is unfortunately often practiced by people with fewer opportunities, which begin education in vocational schools.In addition, the training will also benefit teachers-tutors who will be able to observe good practice while student internships. The purpose of this trip is to increase the competence of teachers and teaching practical occupations related to accounting by confronting teachers theoretical knowledge with practice and currently prevailing trends and also to update knowledge.Certificates for students confirming the acquisition of new skills will be a great asset on the labor market and will enhance the chances of future employment as accountants. Additional practice at international level already while studying, improve their language skills and certainly improve the situation in the labor market. The role of vocational schools is the organization of the learning process to gain proffesional skills, and the best way to do this in an international practice.We would like participants were able to apply their knowledge in practice, which will be possible thanks to familiar with modern accounting tools, and the use of the newest technologies.We work our best to prepare young people to enter the labor market, to show them a chance and risks of running their own business, as well as to increase interest in continuing education in the current direction.
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