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“Prácticas Innovadoras en Europa en Carrocería, Instalaciones Eléctricas y Automáticas, Sistemas Microinformáticos y Redes y Conducción de Actividades Físicas en el Medio Natural: En Busca de un Futuro Mejor”
Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Secondary School "IES Politécnico Hermenegildo Lanz" in Granada submits this Erasmus + Project for VET learners in companies and staff training abroad in order to increase their training and competences, to open a range of new working possibilities and to create a collaborative network that increases the awareness of European citizenship. This project includes 3 different activities: one for Vocational Training Teachers, another one for Basic Vocational Training students (FPB) and the last one for Initial Vocational Training students (FPGM). Teachers will carry out the mobility activity during one week in the city of Leipzig, Germany, in order to know the educational system and specifically, how the Dual Vocational Training is developed there, and the business environment, as well as to establish a collaborative network with partners for future collaboration. The activity for teachers will consist of job shadowing in educational institutions and internship companies to see how the German educational system works. These institutions will be related to Vocational Training, which has great prestige in Germany. The stay of Basic Vocational Training students (FPB) will last three weeks and it will take place in Italy. Within this type of students, there are three different specialties. Regarding students of Initial Vocational Training (FPGM), the stay will last 11 weeks for 3 specialities and 9 weeks for the remaining specialty and the destination countries will be Italy, Germany and England. Internships will be recognised as part of the curriculum (FCT) the students having the possibility to know a different linguistic and cultural environment. The Project will be divided in three main different stages: The first stage includes the selection of candidates. Students will be provided with linguistic and cultural training and will attend meetings to specify the necessary details before the mobility period. The sending organisation and the receiving organisations shall prepare all the documents required before the mobility of participants. The second part includes the mobility period itself, where a continuous monitoring of the participants will be carried out. IESPHL will continuously contact the coordinators of the receiving organisations as well as the participants. The participants will do internship at companies and the teachers a job-shadowing period. Finally, the stage of evaluation and dissemination of results will take place. Once the participants have come back, IESPHL will make an evaluation meeting with the participants where they will make the final conclusions of the project. The dissemination of results will be done through local press means and the School Web Page. Nowadays it is necessary to have work experience to find a job. It is even more important to enjoy and certify the work experience abroad, which is difficult in this environment. Furthermore, the linguistic competences that participants could acquire with this experience are essential. With this project we would like to increase the employment possibilities and ensure equality among the students of IES Politécnico Hermenegildo Lanz. The main objective of this project is then to offer the students an experience that will be beneficial in their personal and professional life in the future as well as to increase the competences of teachers so that the quality of education also improves in this institution. Through the proposed activities, we try to establish an international collaborative network which will improve the training of participants and to extend the horizons of participants so that they can work in a barrier-free context.



14 Participants partenaires