Rechercher des projets européens

Positieve werkattitude
Date du début: 27 juin 2014, Date de fin: 26 nov. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Association Partage en Couleurs will organize an exchange with a Turkish organization . The theme of this exchange is the search for work for young people and the problems that go with it . Both Turkey and Belgium youngsters have it currently difficult to find work. We want these two groups to share their experiences through brainstorms, to discuss the problems they faced and how they see their future , how they prepare themselves for work , what they see as possible solutions . Based on these brainstorms we want young people to formulate some recommendations for politics , for other young people , employers , ... We want to give these recommendations form through four different workshops , a rap workshops , a workshop where the youth videos , a writing workshop and a theater workshop . These workshops will be led by MAKS vzw who have experience with audio - visual workshops . In addition, the young people will meet and interview others about their personal experiences in the quest for work , the problems they experience , the vision they have , ... During the project, there will also be a visit to the European Parliament in Brussels . We want to encourage young people to discuss about the differencies and similarities between Europe ( EU ) and Turkijke . There will also be room for relaxing activities to reinforce the links between the various youth groups . We want young people to have a realistic and positive image on their own future wich will be created with this project . We want them to understand of place they occupy in the labor market and and to be aware of it . The exchange will last 11 days in Belgium.



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