Rechercher des projets européens

Podnoszenie kwalifikacji kadry pedagogicznej krokiem do wdrożenia nowatorskiej edukacji oraz wychowania przez sport jako narzędzia przeciwdziałania wykluczeniu i kształtowania właściwych postaw uczniów szkoły wiejskiej
Date du début: 31 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

As a group of schools (primary school and middle school) we educate our pupils for 9 years, what is a challenge and a chance at the same time. This is a chance because we have the time for teaching personalities of a young children, preparing them to work, teaching them orderliness and conscientiousness; thanks to our long-term observations, we can also identify students’ problems and define theirs potential. This is a chance because we see the consequences our educational decisions and we cannot put the responsibility to nobody else. We appointed three concrete areas we would like to intensively work with. These are: improvement of techniques using in teaching-specially Mathematics; greater sports activity of pupils-thanks to this they would be taking care about their health, forming their character and spending their free time in a way far from dangers-what is more giving a chance our children and teenagers to international contact, that motivates them the most for learning, opens them for the world and teaches self confidence and tolerance. We decided to involve in the projects eTwinning and come into international contacts, that gives our pupils international exchanges, and during them (or as a separate event) organizing international sports tournaments. These activities for sure would encourage for development not only children but also all group of our teachers. The first step to accomplishing our plans is increasing language competence selected teachers and acquainting our English teacher with new trends in methodology of English language. We appointed four teachers (Maths teachers, Physical Education teacher and English teacher), who are the most appropriate persons for introducing some changes. We hope that thanks to participation our representatives in the courses our idea for changes will be possible to put into practice. Firstly, the knowledge of English language provide changing the way of teaching (getting to know with the newest international methodological concepts), what increase learning effects our pupils. Secondly, thanks to this kind of international connections we make come truth our dreams about international exchange. In a very attractive, modern and complex way we want to take care our students’ future. Our aim is to prepare them to be wiser, full of optimism and faith in theirs possibilities. We want to take care of the future of our school, to be noticed as a pro-european institution, dynamic and known by teaching in the innovative way.
