Rechercher des projets européens

Podniesienie poziomu jakości pracy szkoły i współpracy międzynarodowej w Prywatnym Salezjańskim Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. św. Dominika Savio we Wrocławiu (w obszarze zarządzania, języków obcych, nowych technologii oraz działań prozdrowotnych).
Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Title of the project: “Increase of the level of school work and international cooperation in Dominik Savio Private Salesian Secondary School (in the area of: school management, foreign languages, new technologies and health).” Project objectives The objectives of the project have been determined both by the teachers and Head Master on the basis of school’s needs and needs of its staff as a part of European School Development Plan. The objectives result form needs determined in a long-term development and school modernization strategy.  They refer to the main areas which require improvement in the school functioning such as: school management competences, staff competences, new teaching methods and tools, European dimension, language competences of teachers and students, modern and effective curriculum and organization of teaching and learning. The main objective of our project is to increase a level of internationalization and international cooperation.  Our teachers will have an opportunity to exchange their experience with other teachers abroad and start an international and intercultural cooperation both at professional and personal level. Number of participants:  4 Profile of participants:  Head Master, two foreign language teachers, biology teacher. The participants have been selected according to a previously determined criterions, such as: motivation, type of planned activities and their consistency with European School Development Plan, willingness to share the gained experience. Description of activities/mobility All activities align with the objectives of European School Development Plan and refer to specific areas described in the project (school management, new teaching methods and tools, learning of foreign languages and health). All the motility projects will take place within two years (June, 2015 – June, 2016) and they will last from 7 to 14 days. They will be in France, Ireland, United Kingdom, Finland and Spain. Methodology used in the project: The teachers will participate in workshops and extra-curricular classes organized by host institutions. They will have an opportunity to establish personal contacts with other course participants and learn about culture of a host region and country. The teachers will be in touch with the project coordinator via skype and e-mail. Short description of anticipated results Verbal and written reports produced by each member of the project will be presented to the project coordinator. The participants will write an article summarizing the project which will be published on the school website along with pictures and short movies from the motility projects. Information about the completed project will be posted on the High School Facebook. All staff and students will take part in workshops, presentations and competitions prepared by the project participants during which they will present the knowledge and experience gained through mobility projects. The mobility will enable the participant to update and develop their language skills. They will also gain knowledge on the use of new technologies which will be applied during regular and extra-curricular classes. The biology and foreign languages curriculum will be enriched with new ideas and knowledge acquired during the courses. The members of the project will have an opportunity to establish international contacts with other course participants: head masters, teachers and students. The impact of the project Dissemination, use and consolidation of the project’s results and activities will have a significant impact on: the school (prestige, educational offer, innovative changes in teaching and managing foreign languages and health education), its students (increase of studying motivation, broadening the horizons, increase of awareness of needs related to learning languages both in privet and professional life), school staff (interest in Erasmus+ and its potential), non-school environment (Wroclaw and Lower Silesia), and project participants (personal and professional development). Potential long-term benefits of the project The benefits such as openness to multilingualism and multiculturalism are related with an opportunity to continue and use the future results of the project after it has officially ended. They will be used in everyday work and activities performed by the project participants, students, school staff.

