Rechercher des projets européens

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Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Pass it forward!" project has been created to allow a group of teachers to significantly boost their foreign language, ICT and interpersonal competences by using their passion, involvement and knowledge in the process of self-development. As the title of the project goes, the teachers will share newly acquired language skills and new creative ways of using ICT in a classroom with the rest of the school's pedagogical staff. Additionally, they will create syllabi for several after-class clubs covering their subjects and including various ICT skills. The syllabi will be available for other teachres to use. The next step will be a foreign language workshop for pupils and the implementation of the syllabi. We expect that participating in the courses will allow the pedagogical staff of our school to benefit and to implement innovative syllabi of after-class clubs, which, in turn, will support our pupils on their way to skills and knowledge as well as becoming an actively self-improving citizen of Europe. The international programmes the school has been taking part in will give our school a more international dimension and pupils, following their tutors but also arm in arm with them, will improve their knowlegde of other cultures and become parts of the intenational contacts which will offer them a chance to actively participate in social life and develop European identity.

