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PLUSmart Social Sustainable Skills for a VET Mobility Experience
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Project “4S+ - PLUSmart Social Sustainable Skills for a VET Mobility Experience” promotes the development of training opportunities able to integrate, through transnational mobility, traditional learning paths with professional experience. 4S+ is promoted by a national consortium composed of the Province of Ascoli Piceno, various sending organizations and intermediate partners from the labour, academic and social sectors. The project capitalizes the successful experience of the previous edition to enhance the activities of transnational mobility offered to participants and consolidate the systematic implementation of ECVET principles and tools among national consortium members and the international partnership. Thanks to the project, 100 students from the ICT, Tourism, Environment & Territory sectors attending the ultimate and pen-ultimate year of secondary schools in the Province of di Ascoli Piceno will have the opportunity to live a transnational learning experience, that will stimulate the development of their technical-professional and transversal competences, enabling them to familiarize with the new opportunities offered by “green jobs”. The activities to be implemented in the abovementioned sectors according to a sustainable approach meets the European (COM 868 New skills for new jobs), national and local (Guidelines POR Marche 2014-2020) need to train dynamic, competent and multilingual young citizens. In fact, these professional areas continue to perform well in terms of expansion and employability, demonstrating a high potential for future job opportunities at local, national and European levels. The training experiences will last four weeks (mobilities will take place between May and December 2016) and will be carried out with “training on the job” methods and through the assignment of direct tasks related to relevant job profiles. The companies that will host the participants are located in Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Lithuania, Spain and Portugal. The initiative aims to respond in a concrete way to the needs expressed by students of the territory, who are about to enter the academic world or the labour market, and primarily want to experience real working situations to test their skills and competences and to acquire new ones (technical and language skills), to be competitive and able to match the demands of the labour market, where multilingualism and international experiences are increasingly important. The mobility experience abroad will be carefully prepared and preceded by linguistic, cultural, educational and sectorial training. This will be met through an online language course (to be held on the Erasmus + platform O.L.S.), as well as through a training module on health and safety in the workplace, three specific preparatory seminars for departure, and the participation in visits/thematic events. The quality management of the project activities capitalizes the results of the previous edition, consolidating cooperation within the national consortium as a systematic element, and strengthening it with European partners, promoting the adjustment of the local system to better incorporate the process of transparency, recognition, certification and validation of skills and competences through the use of ECVET tools. The expected results, in line with the needs and objectives identified, include: -The enhancement of technical and professional skills of the participants and the improvement of their professional curriculum through a certified, recognized and validated path; -The development of specific competences related to communicative and language aspects of project areas; -The implementation of high quality mobility experiences, that can be valuable in the social, cultural and professional context; -An increase in competitiveness for the participants, necessary to tackle the emerging fields of “green jobs”. The project 4S+ promotes an innovative approach in the way we think, describe and certify learning, through the creation of a stable network for the implementation of future successful projects, characterized by greater collaboration between schools, companies and social partners, using the ECVET tools. All these factors want to contribute positively to the development of a culture of quality, to the enhancement of mobility experiences and to the promotion of the knowledge of Europass and ECVET tools among potential employers, social partners and public bodies, as well as in building a solid foundation for a more cooperative, transparent and internationalized European education and production system.



16 Participants partenaires