Rechercher des projets européens

pluridisciplinarité anglais maths ; ouverture européenne pour la réussite des élèves
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Jules Ferry College of Mayenne is a great volunteer to affirm its European dimension and has already made a lot of things oriented toward Europe: - Journeys in England, in Germany, in Spain are already organised each year; - Language Exchange programs with foreign schools; - Six teachers are engaged in an EPI "discorver differents school systems". - One teacher is interested in a mobility and an English formation in order to have a new certification in CLIL (Maths) - Some other teachers should be interested in mobilities when the college's reform will be finished (this reform needs a lot of investments and they prefer to move abroad when they will have more time) The personnel who will be selected for this project is : - one mathematics teacher for a mobility project in the United Kingdom in 2016 - 2017, - other mobility projects will come in the future (when the College's reform will be installed). The objectives of the project are to : - develop the European opening to promote the success of students, - have the opportunity to open more CLIL classes, - open a new European Section or a Club for volunteer students, - develop additional partnerships with European institutions (with E-Twinning for example). To succeed in this project, we thought: - first to have a better level in english, and to implement the mobility, - in a second time, to diffuse the expériences and results to the whole educational community in our college, and out of it. We hope thanks to this project: - an increase in the number of trainings and trips in Europe for our students, -an expansion of partnerships with European institutions through exchanges and/or collaborative projects. And in the long term: - to inject a real sense of commitment to the local educational community, - to establish a network of partners in Europe for a greater mobility of students to inspire a real sense of European citizenship for all stakeholders.

