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Date du début: 9 nov. 2013,
Date de fin: 9 sept. 2014
11. PLANETE DOC FILM FESTIVAL will take place in Warsaw and Wroclaw and in over 20 other locations between May 9-18 2014. 130 films will be presented including films from 18 European countries. 8 competitions will be held: Millennium Award for the best feature-lenght film, Magic Hour for the middle lenght films, Canon Cinematography Award, Chopin's Nose Award for the best music film, Audience Award, Marshall of Lower Silesia Award and two unigue film awards in Poland: Amnesty International Award and Green Cross Award for the best film on ecology. Three other awards will be given by partners organisations: Focus Monthly Award will be given to the biggest festival personality and Museum of Emigration Award to the best film on emigration issues. Radical Democracy Award will be given by DOC NEXT NETWORK for the best short film. The cause of this competition is the European Parliament Elections in 2014. The contest for this award will start in January 2014 and will be part of promotion of the festival in printed, electronic and social media. 130 film will be presented in Warsaw, approx. 50 films in Wroclaw and 5-6 films in every of over 20 locations during "Weekend with PLANETE DOC". Films screenings will be accompanied by 20 thematic panel discussions organized by festival partners (media, Ngos). Two films retrospectives are planned and two masterclasses. Masterclasses are filmed and then are available as insert to FILM PRO bi-monthly magazine and then available over VOD portal for free. Education film program for prime and high schools will be held in Warsaw, Wroclaw, Krakow and Gdansk along with program for teachers. 60 European filmmakers will visit the festival. Three dinners for industry members (Filmmakers, Worldsales, festivals' organizers, TV broadcasters, NGO's working in film sector) will be in the agenda. Collaboration with Łódż Film School and Film Lycee in Warsaw and Youth Film Festival in Koszalin are planed.
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